News Performances

Ringing for Sarah’s induction

Our local ringers rang a quarter peal on Sunday 14 July to celebrate the ordination of our very own curate, Sarah Williams.

The ordination of priests service took place on Saturday 6th July, presided over by the Rt Revd Dr Martin Gainsborough, Bishop of Kingston, supported by Revd Joe Moffatt Team Rector of All Saints with Revd Vanessa Elston preaching.

The quarter peal is recorded on Bellboard and listed below:

Sunday, 14 July 2024 in 49m (18–3–27 in E♭)

1260 Plain Bob Triples
Arranged by P J Flavell

1 Daniel Kelly
2 Kate Flavell
3 Gabriel Welsh
4 Mary Gledhill
5 Mike Bangham
6 Adrian Wheeler
7 Paul Flavell (C)
8 Nick Rata

Rung for evensong by the local band and also to celebrate the ordination to the priesthood of the Rev Sarah Williams, curate of this parish. First Triples on a working bell – 1.

Clockwise from front right: Daniel, Kate, Gabriel, Mary, Mike, Adrian, Paul and Nick (Image: Paul Flavell)

Photos above taken from the All Saints Church Instagram page.

News Performances

50th anniversary peal

Paul in burgundy polo ringing shirt

Congratulations to our tower captain, Paul Flavell on his special peal today to mark the 50th anniversary of his first peal!

The band rang 5088 Bristol Surprise Major at St James the Great, Norton, Sheffield, South Yorkshire to mark the 50th anniversary of Paul Flavell’s first peal on 18th June 1970 – a celebration delayed by Covid!

Paul said “It went very well and was a trip down memory lane for me as I learned to ring at Norton (Sheffield) in the late 1960s and rang there till 1985. I shall enjoy my curry tonight!” Enjoy! And a couple of pints too!🍺

St James the Great
Friday, 23 June 2023 in 3h 4 (15–2–6 in F)
5088 Bristol Surprise Major
Composed by A G Reading
1 David Hird
2 Shirley E McGill
3 Simon Humphrey
4 Robert M Wood
5 Paul J Flavell (C)
6 Christopher M Bennett
7 Ian Roulstone
8 Claire F Roulstone

50th Anniversary peal on Bellboard

And here’s the first:


1280 Cambridge Surprise Major

Rung on Sunday, 11 October 2015 at Kingston upon Thames (All Saints), Greater London.


1277 Grandsire Caters

Rung on Sunday, 13 September 2015 at Kingston upon Thames (All Saints), Greater London.


1282 Pudsey Surprise Royal

Rung on Sunday, 23 August 2015 at Kingston upon Thames (All Saints), Greater London.


1320 Plain Bob Maximus

Rung on Sunday, 9 August 2015 at Kingston upon Thames (All Saints), Greater London.